
Affichage des articles associés au libellé constructivisme

différence entre connectivisme et constructivisme

Half an Hour: What Connectivism Is : "In connectivism, a phrase like 'constructing meaning' makes no sense. Connections form naturally, through a process of association, and are not 'constructed' through some sort of intentional action. And 'meaning' is a property of language and logic, connoting referential and representational properties of physical symbol systems. Such systems are epiphenomena of (some) networks, and not descriptive of or essential to these networks." je réfléchis : le connectivisme serait une affordance alors que le constructionisme serait lié à une intentionnalité ...en théorie, ça se conçoit...en pratique ça devient scabreux dans la mesure ou les outils portent une intentionnalité associée à leur programmation et ne sont pas neutres... à suivre !

Web 2.0 Tools and pedagogy : why the educator is therefore forced to adopt new technology and new pedagogy !

Web 2.0 Tools and Pedagogy: How Learning Theories Help Us to Understand the Value in Using Web 2.0 Tools : Extract : "Web 2.0 provides many social constructivist and connectivist affordances to support and enhance our contemporary learning environments. Tools such as wikis, blogs, instant messaging and webcasting support these approaches. Maor and Zariski, (2003) contend that the tools cannot be separated from the learning experience and that the technology and pedagogy are mutually supportive and reinforcing. Teachers become adept at staging learning episodes and selecting the modes of delivery. The emergence of web 2.0 tools, however, challenges this approach because of the vast array of technologies and because the learners are now empowered to reach beyond the walls of the classroom (Thonpson, 2007). Connectivism addresses concepts of chaos, networking, and self organization and provides for a new age of personal media. Web 2.0 tools promote the creation of new knowledge throu...